Client of the month

Each month in 2012 Translation and Localization Company arte.doc nominates the loyal, honest and responsible clients. Nominations are submitted by every reception office of the agency.

The winner, chosen by random drawing, receives 5 % discount for translation orders for the next 6 months.
In order to ensure complete impartiality, client of the month is determined by a random drawing in the presence of 5-member committee with members of the agency's different departments: "Translators", "International Clients", "Corporate Clients", "Legalization of Documents" and "Accounting".

The committee determined as Client of the month for February Mr. Ivaylo Genkov.
Mr. Genkov receives the right to use 5 % discount for translation orders for the next 6 months and a Loyal, Honest and Responsible Client Charter. Congratulations!

Translation Agency arte.doc thanks to all of its clients for their trust and beneficial collaboration.

Contact Info

+359 2 42 10 170
mobile: +359 8944 27 109, FAX: +359 2 980 01 34
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, 23, Vitosha Blvd.