“Internship Programme — 2012” in Translation and Localization Company arte.doc
Then take advantage of an excellent opportunity to check and enhance your knowledge and skills not only on your foreign language but on your overall language skills as well.
Translation and Localization Company arte.doc launches "Internship Programme — 2012". Duration of programme — three months: July, August and September, as in the first month the participants will complete a training course and in the following two months they will have the opportunity to work and be remunerated by way of fees.
Criteria for participation in the programme
Participation in the internship programme is a source of many opportunities for pupils or students. They will:
- join one of the most dynamic business sectors in Bulgaria;
- get to know the corporative culture of one of the largest agencies for translation and legalization in Bulgaria;
- have an opportunity for development and future permanent employment in the Agency.
Applicants must present a diploma for secondary education with a foreign language profile, a curriculum vitae drafted as free text and additional documents for foreign language qualification (if any). Applicants with English are preferred but of course being fluent in other major European languages is also desirable.
The documents must be submitted by 10 June at the latest to the Translators department of the Agency at the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After a preliminary selection based on the documents the shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview and test translation and, in case of a positive assessment, will be included in the internship programme.
Test translation and interviews with shortlisted applicants selected on the basis of their documents will be held from 15 to 25 June 2012. All applicants will be informed about the results from the test translations by 31 June 2011.
The internship starts on 1 July 2012.
During the first month every intern will become familiar with the working process and their duties with the assistance of a mentor who will help and control the implementation of the tasks assigned. The participants will undergo a training course free of charge.
From the beginning of the second month every intern will be given an opportunity for independent work.
At the end of the internship the mentor and the intern will jointly assess the level of achieving the objectives and the programme effectiveness.
During the second and third month of the programme the interns will receive remuneration in the form of fees.
Successful interns will receive special certificates, and the best ones get a chance to be invited for a permanent position at Translation and Localization Company arte.doc.