Notes on websites localization

In a world that's becoming more and more tightly connected through Internet, the localization service for websites is playing increasingly important role in developing a successful business. Localization is in its essence a multilayered process and translation is only part of it. It has several basic components, some of which are:
• language
• tone
• pictures
• colours
• symbols
• content
• navigation etc.
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Languages in numbers

According to a study, published on in 2009, currently there are 6909 spoken languages on Earth. Here’s the list of the most widely spoken ones:

1.      Chinese — 1 213 million speakers

2.      Spanish — 329 million speakers

3.      English — 328 million speakers

4.      Arabic — 221 million speakers

5.      Hindi — 182 million speakers

6.      Bengali — 181 million speakers

7.      Portuguese — 178 million speakers

8.      Russian — 144 million speakers

9.      Japanese — 122 million speakers

10.  German (Standard) — 90,3 million speakers

11.  Javanese — 84,6 million speakers

12.  Lahnda — 78,3 million speakers

13.  Telugu — 69,8 million speakers

14.  Vietnamese — 68,6 million speakers

15.  Marathi — 68,1 million speakers

There are more than 170 languages spoken than more than 3 million people. Bulgarian is placed under number 83.

How it happens — the phases of a translation process

No matter whether it is a small document or major international project, every translation goes through three phases which are equally important for the performance of a quality translation service. Here we'll take a brief look at what happens with your order during every stage of the translation process.

The first phase includes the translation itself. Literally, that means converting your document or any kind of text from the source language to the target language. In dependence of the specifics of the translated text, sometimes that step may include help from a CAT tool.
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The name of the game

Nowadays Europe's all about football, so we decided to join the sport fever by digging up some information for the name of that sport.
As you all know, football is an English invention. But probably not many of you know, but soccer is actually the original term for this sport. According to some legends that word soccer was invented in 1863 by an Oxford student who used the term to describe the sport he preferred.
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Translation of medical documentation — essential information

Translation of medical documentation
Medical documentation is related with something very important — health. That is why it is of major importance that translation of such documentation is performed accurate and on the necessary level. Our job is to give certainty to our clients that the information they need is translated precise and correct.
In order to ensure quality performance of the translation of medical documentation, arte.doc works only with translators who are fit for that kind of tasks.
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Thoughts on translation of literary / fiction texts

Thoughts on translation of literary / fiction texts
The first thing there is to know about translation of literary/fiction texts is that unlike the technical or legal or any other specialized translation it needs interpretation. The translators of arte.doc follow some of the basic requirements for crafting a corresponding translation — preserving the interdependence between narrative and description and the stylistic characteristics of the source text. Our editors as part of our quality control system also have an important role in the implementation of such projects — they do the final shaping of the texts. The translators which we entrust with these types of documents are well grounded with the languages they translate from and to, as well as with their nuances and capabilities. They have the necessary imaginative approach and literary cultural expertise for completing that type of tasks.

One of our projects for March was exactly such a translation. Translators of arte.doc worked on scripts for tv series for one of the most beloved child characters. These texts were not only imagination-demanding, but also had a specific terminology, which required creativity in translation of words, specially invented for the text.

The Cyrillic alphabet — the foundation of the Bulgarian culture and identity

The Cyrillic alphabet — the foundation of the Bulgarian culture and identity
The Cyrillic alphabet may be something new to the European Union, but it's a significant part of Europe's medieval history. Dating back to the time of the First Bulgarian Kingdom, the Cyrillic alphabet has been the main instrument of the religious and thus the political independence of the Bulgarians. While European Christianity had already been split between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, Bulgaria was just officially converted to Christianity. As a new character on this restless religious stage, Bulgaria's strategy was to keep its political and national identity and independence but to do that it needed to overcome the ambitions of both Rome and the Byzantine empire of politically aligning it through Catholicism or Orthodox Christianity. Read more ...

The client guide

The client guide
Communication is said to be a powerful tool. That applies to translation process too. But the first phase of this process where communication plays key role, is in the initial contacts between the client and the translation agency they turned to with a project. Here are some basic questions that the clients need to answer before the translation itself begins (the job of the translation team would be much more facilitated, if they have that information, so even if they don't ask, tell them):
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A few words on the translation of legal documentation

In a world so globalized and business integrated, the systems of law are becoming more and more conventional. That's why the translation of legal documentation has increased its significance. Read more ...

Documents legalization — what should you know about it

In the majority of cases for a document to be accepted as official and valid abroad, it needs to be legalized first. At the same time not many people are aware of the legalization requirements and waste a lot of time in search for information.

Arte.doc offers free over the phone consultations in relation to the legalization of documents and this way helps saving a lot of time and trouble to the people decided to travel abroad with their legalized documents and those who need to submit a foreign document before Bulgarian authorities in order to certify significant facts of their life. Read more ...
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